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ATKV-Sêr Nasionale Finaal

ATKV-Sêr Nasionale Finaal


ATKV-Sêr is ’n a capella-kompetisie wat in sy tienerformaat neig na musiekteater deur tema, sang, dans en storievertelling.
ATKV-Sêr vir tieners het tydens die ATKV-Tienertoneelstreeksfeesfinale landswyd sy buiging in teaters gemaak en vier nasionale finaliste gaan hul plek volstaan tydens die ATKV nasionale Simbiose-toneelfinaal op 23 September by die Kunstekaap in Kaapstad.
Die groepe se nuwe komposisies en musieksamestelling het ’n vars bries by a capella-sang ingeblaas en beloof om die gehoor by die finaal mee te voer.

Duration: 180min, 30min Interval

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.


Secure parking is available for Artscape patrons at the Cape Town Civic Centre basement parking area. Access is via the Jan Smuts Street entrance at the times indicated below:

Operating hours

• Mondays to Fridays between 5 pm and 11 pm
• Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays during show times

Parking tariffs
Fee: R40.00 / Pensioners: R30.00
For more info, please contact dial-a-seat: 021 421 76 95

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ATKV-Sêr Nasionale Finaal

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