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Techniques and Tools for Emotional Healing: A Holistic Approach

Techniques and Tools for Emotional Healing: A Holistic Approach

Techniques and Tools for Emotional Healing: A Holistic Approach

19 Jan 2025 10:00


Join us for a transformative journey of learning to support your healing and that of your loved ones.
This experiential workshop will equip you with practical tools and techniques to address emotional trauma, which often manifests as physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional challenges.
About the interactive presentations:
• The Sufi perspective of emotional healing focuses on a heart-centred approach using the five principles of Sufi healing.
• Using specific essential oils allow us to harness the natural therapeutic benefits that Aromatherapy offers for emotional healing.
• Auricular Acupuncture supports the body, allowing it to be relaxed and centred. This modality also balances


Baluchi GrillHouse  Location on Google Maps

Techniques and Tools for Emotional Healing: A Holistic Approach