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Hip-hop is ’n transnasionale kultuurverskynsel. Daar is feitlik nie ’n land in die wêreld wat nie een of ander vorm of mutasie van rapmusiek het nie. Rapmusiek is egter (steeds) grotendeels ‘n manlik gedomineerde kultuurvorm. So, hoe lyk Afrikaanse kletsrym se vroulike rappers? Yoma en Rosy se outentieke vroulike stemme word in dié gesprek ondersoek, sowel as hul begrip rondom vrouwees, vroulikheid en seksualiteit. Hierdie kunstenaars verander die plaaslike raplandskap, neem spasie op en laat hul stemme geld.
Hip-hop is a transnational cultural phenomenon. Almost every country in the world features some form or mutation of rap music. Today, the rap scene is (still) mostly dominated by male singers. So, what do Afrikaans female rappers look like? In this conversation, the authentic feminine voices of Yoma and Rosy are examined, as well as their conceptions of being a woman, femininity, and sexuality. These artists are changing the local rap scene, making their presence felt and having their voices heard.
Met Claudia Britz (YOMA) en Murensia Block (Rosey Die Rapper), Mathilda Smit (gespreksleier)
Taal Afrikaans
Tydsduur 60 min
Prys R30 | R35 by die deur