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‘n Hart is so Groot soos ‘n vuis

‘n Hart is so Groot soos ‘n vuis

‘n Hart is so Groot soos ‘n vuis

05 Oct 2022 12:30


Hierdie is die storie van ’n seun, Paul, se komplekse verhouding met sy gewelddadige dog charismatiese alkoholis-pa. Paul onthou sy ouers se somtydse versoening, gevolg deur desperate vlugtogte saam met sy ma. Dit is ook die roerende verhaal van Paul se ontwikkeling as jongman en van sy selfontdekking. En die storie van sy ontferming oor sy vervreemde halfbroer, iemand wat hy met alle mag wil beskerm, die enigste ander persoon wat dáárdie man “Pa” kan noem.

This is the story of Paul and his complex relationship with his violent, yet charismatic, alcoholic father. Paul remembers how he sometimes desperately had to flee with his mother and the sporadic re-uniting of his parents. It also tells the touching tale of how Paul matures and discovers himself, and his compassion for his estranged half-brother whom he wants to protect more than anything: him being the only other person who can call thís man “Dad”.

Met Pieter Fourie, Gilbert Gibson (gespreksleier)
Taal Afrikaans
Tydsduur 60 min
Prys R30 | R35 by die deur


‘n Hart is so Groot soos ‘n vuis