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Met Crystal Donna Roberts, Oscar Petersen en Julia Marone
’n Ongewone avontuur wat in ’n skeepswrak in die duine van Konkiesbaai afspeel. Poppie is vasbeslote om vir Kaptein met sy vervreemde dogter Phoebe te versoen, in die hoop dat sy siel vrede sal vind. Maar tussen bisarre fabels en verbeeldingryke eskapades deur is dit Poppie wat uiteindelik heling vind.
Language: Afrikaans, English
Duration: 60 min
With Crystal Donna Roberts, Oscar Petersen and Julia Marone
A quirky adventure that plays out on an old shipwreck in the dunes of Konkiesbaai. Poppie is determined to re-unite Captain with his estranged daughter, Phoebe, in the hope that his soul will heal. But through whimsical fables and imaginative escapades, it becomes Poppie herself who finds healing.
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.