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’n Ko-produksie van Suidoosterfees, KKNK en Momentum Beleggings Aardklop, ondersteun deur NATi
Met: Crystal Donna Roberts, Robert Hindley en Joshwin Dyson
Dewie de Jager is ’n doodgewone ou, nie die tipe teen wie ma’s hul matriekdogters waarsku nie. Hy’s die ou wat skaam smile en dan wegkyk. Wat is sy naam nou weer? Deon? Dewald? Whatever! Maar tussen alles deur hunker hy na aanvaarding. Om te behoort. Om ’n legend te wees oor wie almal praat. Om oral te wees. Teen die klaskamermure. Op voorblaaie. Op Google Search. Om die saviour te wees van elke loser wat elke pouse moet keer vir sy wickets …
A co-production of Suidoosterfees, KKNK and Momentum Beleggings Aardklop, supported by NATi
With Crystal Donna Roberts, Robert Hindley and Joshwin Dyson
Dewie de Jager is a regular guy, not the type mothers warn their matric daughters against. He is the type that smiles timidly, then looks away. What is his name again? Deon? Dewald? Whatever! But through it all, he yearns for acceptance. To belong. To be a legend everybody talks about. To be seen all over. On classroom walls. On front pages. On Google Search. To be the saviour of every loser who must defend himself at break time …
Duration: 75 min
Language: Afrikaans
No U14s
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.