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JOMBA! Vasudaiva Kutumbakam - Deepak Kurki Shivaswamy

JOMBA! Vasudaiva Kutumbakam - Deepak Kurki Shivaswamy

JOMBA! Vasudaiva Kutumbakam - Deepak Kurki Shivaswamy

12 Sep 2024 18:30


Vasudaiva Kutumbakam is the concept that the world is one family. This theme inspires our performances here at JOMBA! through the universal language of dance.

Weight of Time, invites you to question the traditional idea of art having a purpose. Instead, it encourages you to be present and enjoy the performance for the sake of the experience.

Mycelium Maatu
The mycelium is a network of fungal threads that organize themselves naturally into a beautiful, open-ended structure that supports and connects each other. ‘Maatu’ in Kannada means talking or sayings, which play a vital role in oral communication and tradition.

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JOMBA! Vasudaiva Kutumbakam - Deepak Kurki Shivaswamy