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There was a time in Africa where differences were put aside. A time where all Africans where fighting for the betterment of the continent.The insurgence of white supremacy and its doctrines gave rise to the suppression of African Indigenous Laws,and subsequently led to the default of customary judifications, which saw the judiciary or principal guiders of the land becoming the Roman dutch law.
This mean't that the pre-existing laws which guided the African land for thousands of years were now being abolished. Thousands of the natives who were in defiance of the so-called Roman Dutch Law were imprisoned,killed and humiliated.
In response to the rise of colonial power, a class of political conscience Africans emerged, and political movements were formed.
The formation of South African Union cultivated grounds for the transition from colonial era to the so-called Apartheid regime.The oppressive apartheid policies left millions of black South Africa without a dignity,pride and sense of being as many were killed, marginalized and excluded from the mainstream economy due to the implementation of laws such as the Native Land Act of 1913 and Group Areas Act,while others were imprisoned.
After 1994 at the time when South Africa regained independency, many who were killed were given proper send offs, those who were imprisoned were released, but through all that even during the post-apartheid era there is still a lingering factor that was put under the carpet for far too long. Why are we still guided by the Roman Dutch Law in South Africa?
Africa vs The State is about activists, Indigenous Leaders and custodian of Africa laws who are being trialed for standing up against the status quo (post-apartheid) that diminished African beliefs. The incriminated Indigenous Leaders, custodian of Indigenous Laws and activists are crying out for the restoration of African Indigenous Constitution which serves as a baseline and blueprint of Afrocentric Ethical Leadership. These Patriots believes that Africa can only be ruled through its indigenous values and principles,they hold the view that the Eurocentric based style of leadership which is employed by the so called African leaders in their decision making and thought process does not only perpetuate the project of colonialism and apartheid but further dissociate the natives from knowledge and the sense of who they really are.
Created, Written and Directed by Mbongeni Moroke.

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