Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026




Ondersteun deur Curro Create

Wanneer Annie Sullivan en Helen Keller mekaar in 1887 ontmoet, voel die 25-jarige Annie soos ’n mens wat verkeerd aanmekaargesit is, en die 12-jarige Helen is vasgevang in die donker limbo van ’n kind wat nie kan sien, hoor of praat nie. Wat volg is lewensveranderend – ’n stryd tussen twee gebroke mense met veldslae om die eetkamertafel en kopskermutselings in gebaretaal. Dié storie van twee formidabele vroue en die mense naaste aan hulle, inspireer met lesse wat ons leer uit trauma. Judi Hattingh, ’n 13-jarige leerder van Curro Durbanville, vertolk die rol van Helen.

Geen o/10 OB
Duration 100min
No interval

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

More Info


KykNet Theatre, Cape Town  Location on Google Maps



03 May 2025 11:00


Supported by Curro Create

When Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller meet in 1887, the 25-year-old Annie feels like a person who has been incorrectly assembled, while the 12-year-old Helen is trapped in a dark limbo – without the ability to see, hear or speak. What follows is life-changing – a struggle between two broken individuals with battles around the dining room table and skirmishes in sign language. This story of two formidable women and the people surrounding them forces us to think about the lessons that trauma teaches us. Judi Hattingh, a 13-year-old learner from Curro Durbanville, takes her first steps on a professional stage in the role of Helen.

No u/10 PG

04 May 2025 14:30


Supported by Curro Create

When Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller meet in 1887, the 25-year-old Annie feels like a person who has been incorrectly assembled, while the 12-year-old Helen is trapped in a dark limbo – without the ability to see, hear or speak. What follows is life-changing – a struggle between two broken individuals with battles around the dining room table and skirmishes in sign language. This story of two formidable women and the people surrounding them forces us to think about the lessons that trauma teaches us. Judi Hattingh, a 13-year-old learner from Curro Durbanville, takes her first steps on a professional stage in the role of Helen.

No u/10 PG

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