Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026
’n Ko-produksie van Suidoosterfees, Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees & KKNK; ondersteun deur NATi & Het Jan Marais Nationale Fonds
Die Suidoosterfees bied die verhoogverwerking van Ronelda Kamfer se roman Kompoun met trots aan. Dié aangrypende verhaal word deur twee kleinkinders van die Mckinney-familie, Nadia en Xavie, vertel. Temas soos onskuld, deursettingsvermoë en familievetes word verken binne die ongenaakbare Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die stuk word in ’n ‘sirkel’ aangebied met ’n ‘plaashek’ wat die gehoor toegang gee tot die innerlike én eksterne faktore wat die karakters se lewens beïnvloed, asook hul keuse om uit hul chaotiese bestaan te ontsnap.
Geen o/16 TG
Duration 70min
No Interval
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.
A co-production of Suidoosterfees, Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees & KKNK; supported by NATi & Het Jan Marais Nationale Fonds
Suidoosterfees proudly presents the theatrical adaptation of Ronelda Kamfer’s acclaimed novel, Kompoun. This poignant story is narrated by two grandchildren of the Mckinney family, Nadia and Xavie, and explores themes of innocence, resilience and familial struggles within a harsh South African context. Staged in a circle, the ‘farm gate’ gives us direct access to both the internal and external factors affecting the lives of the characters, and their opportunities for breaking free from the chaos of their existence.
No u/16 LV
A co-production of Suidoosterfees, Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees & KKNK; supported by NATi & Het Jan Marais Nationale Fonds
Suidoosterfees proudly presents the theatrical adaptation of Ronelda Kamfer’s acclaimed novel, Kompoun. This poignant story is narrated by two grandchildren of the Mckinney family, Nadia and Xavie, and explores themes of innocence, resilience and familial struggles within a harsh South African context. Staged in a circle, the ‘farm gate’ gives us direct access to both the internal and external factors affecting the lives of the characters, and their opportunities for breaking free from the chaos of their existence.
No u/16 LV
A co-production of Suidoosterfees, Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees & KKNK; supported by NATi & Het Jan Marais Nationale Fonds
Suidoosterfees proudly presents the theatrical adaptation of Ronelda Kamfer’s acclaimed novel, Kompoun. This poignant story is narrated by two grandchildren of the Mckinney family, Nadia and Xavie, and explores themes of innocence, resilience and familial struggles within a harsh South African context. Staged in a circle, the ‘farm gate’ gives us direct access to both the internal and external factors affecting the lives of the characters, and their opportunities for breaking free from the chaos of their existence.
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