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Tsetsefly Moskito one man comedy show (KFC)

Tsetsefly Moskito one man comedy show (KFC)

Tsetsefly Moskito one man comedy show (KFC)

15 Jun 2025 19:00


Tsetsefly moskito is a congolese born comedian but living in Capetown south africa
He speak 3 languages.. English, lingala and lastly he speak nonsense
He claims to be more handsome than all the men in south africa... with is charisma style and language diversity he is a fast rising comedian and  Event hosts ..Moskito has a number of events in South Africa including talent shows , and has performed i many stand up comedy  shows,cultural events, awards shows and many more .. He is also an actor and a skit making who has appeared and  performs in  many theaters venues in capetown such as Baxter theater , arts cape and more
get your tickets ASAP!!


295 voortrekker road Maitland Apolo studio  Location on Google Maps

Tsetsefly Moskito one man comedy show (KFC)

Tsetsefly Moskito one man comedy show (KFC) 15 Jun 2025 19:00


Tsetsefly moskito is a congolese ???? born comedian but living in Capetown south africa
He speak 3 languages.. English lingala and lastly he speak nonsense ??
He claims to be more handsome than all the men in south africa... with is charisma style and language diversity he is a fast rising comedian and  Event hosts Moslitoe has a number of events in South Africa including talent shows , and has performed i many stand up comedy  shows, culrure cultural events, awards shows and many more .. He is also an actor and a skit making who has appeared and  performs in  many theaters venues in capetown such as Baxter theater , arts cape and more
get your tickets ASAP!!

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