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Moontlik gemaak deur Kuier in samewerking met Radio Kaapse Kansel
Met ds. Farren Cloete, Anslin Gysman, Jonathan Rubain, Dumisani, Die Lekker Crew, Almarie du Preez, Phillipine Morkel, Elwira Standili, DOEP en die UK-Koor
Kuier se skouspelagtige gospelkonsert is ’n spesiale geleentheid vir Suid-Afrikaners om byeen te kom en ’n geestelike samesyn in dankbaarheid te deel. Deesdae het mens min tyd om te dink aan alles wat ons lewens verryk, en om mekaar moed in te praat om daaglikse struikelblokke te oorkom, dat ons dikwels vergeet die las is ligter as ons as gemeenskap saam ons blik na Bo rig. Sluit aan vir inspirasie deur ons kunstenaars, byeengebring deur almal se gunstelingtydskrif.
Kuier’s spectacular gospel concert is a special spiritual event for South Africans to come together in gratitude. In today’s world, we seldom have time to reflect on our blessings and to encourage one another in facing daily challenges, with the result that we often forget to look to the Heavens for mercy and relief. Join us and be inspired by our artists, brought together by everybody’s favourite magazine!
Language: Afrikaans, English
Duration: 80 min
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.