Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026

Hortjies dig – die storie van digter Peter Blum

Hortjies dig – die storie van digter Peter Blum

Hortjies dig – die storie van digter Peter Blum

from 30 Apr 2025 18:30


Speelvak moontlik gemaak deur NATi

In die 1950’s word Peter Blum geloof as die belangrikste digterstem van die dekade, maar sommige vind sy werk “dekadent” en praat van ’n “maaierkultus” in die verskuns. Met bytende satire klim Blum in onder die Afrikaner en die letterkundige heilige koeie van die tyd. In 1960 verruil hy en sy vrou, Hetta, Suid-Afrika vir Engeland. “Uit walging,” skryf hy. Hy keer sy rug op die skryfkuns. Besoekers is weinig: die voordeurklokkie se koord word afgeruk. Hetta se geestestoestand raak wankelrig en haar optrede “kranksinnig”.

Geen o/13 T

Duration 75min
No Interval

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

More Info


Phoebe Gerwel Arena, Cape Town  Location on Google Maps


Hortjies dig – die storie van digter Peter Blum

30 Apr 2025 18:30


Run made possible by NATi

In the 1950s, Peter Blum was hailed as the most important poetic voice in Afrikaans of that decade. However, some considered his work “decadent” and spoke of his work representing a poetic “maggot cult”. With stinging satire, he lashed out at the Afrikaners and the literary holy cows of the time. In 1960, he and his wife, Hetta, left South Africa for England. It was, he said, “out of disgust.” Soon afterward, he put away his pen. Visitors were few, and the cord of the doorbell was removed. Hetta’s mental state deteriorated, and she became unhinged.

No u/13 L

01 May 2025 11:30


Run made possible by NATi

In the 1950s, Peter Blum was hailed as the most important poetic voice in Afrikaans of that decade. However, some considered his work “decadent” and spoke of his work representing a poetic “maggot cult”. With stinging satire, he lashed out at the Afrikaners and the literary holy cows of the time. In 1960, he and his wife, Hetta, left South Africa for England. It was, he said, “out of disgust.” Soon afterward, he put away his pen. Visitors were few, and the cord of the doorbell was removed. Hetta’s mental state deteriorated, and she became unhinged.

No u/13 L

02 May 2025 13:00


Run made possible by NATi

In the 1950s, Peter Blum was hailed as the most important poetic voice in Afrikaans of that decade. However, some considered his work “decadent” and spoke of his work representing a poetic “maggot cult”. With stinging satire, he lashed out at the Afrikaners and the literary holy cows of the time. In 1960, he and his wife, Hetta, left South Africa for England. It was, he said, “out of disgust.” Soon afterward, he put away his pen. Visitors were few, and the cord of the doorbell was removed. Hetta’s mental state deteriorated, and she became unhinged.

No u/13 L

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