Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026

Sonde met die spoke

Sonde met die spoke

Sonde met die spoke

from 03 May 2025 20:30


’n Ko-produksie van KKNK & Suidoosterfees; ondersteun deur NATi

Skemer daal neer op Arbeidsgenot op Oudtshoorn. Angelique Jacobs, ’n sekuriteitswag by die Langenhoven-museum, maak gereed om te sluit … En dan begin die verlede letterlik by haar spook. Sy word gekonfronteer met ’n geskiedenis wat sy gedink sy geken het, maar die geeste van die verlede het ’n ander verhaal om te vertel. Marianne Thamm, bekroonde ondersoekende joernalis, se eerste toneelstuk het ontstaan uit haar eie nuuskierigheid oor wie en wat Langenhoven was en wat hy vandag beteken. Met humor en patos gee sy stemme aan die spoke van die verlede.
Duration 75min
No Interval

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

More Info


CPUT Zip Zap Dome, Cape Town  Location on Google Maps


Sonde met die spoke

03 May 2025 20:30


A co-production of KKNK & Suidoosterfees; supported by NATi

Dusk descends on Arbeidsgenot in Oudtshoorn. Angelique Jacobs, a security guard at the Langenhoven Museum, prepares to lock up … And then the past begins to haunt her. What Angelique thought she knew and what she proclaims as the truth is challenged by the ghosts who have a completely different story to tell. Marianne Thamm, award-winning investigative journalist, debuts her first play. Her curiosity about who and what Langenhoven was and what he means today, led her to the women in his life. With humour and pathos, Thamm offers a new look at a history that everyone thinks they know.

04 May 2025 09:00


A co-production of KKNK & Suidoosterfees; supported by NATi

Dusk descends on Arbeidsgenot in Oudtshoorn. Angelique Jacobs, a security guard at the Langenhoven Museum, prepares to lock up … And then the past begins to haunt her. What Angelique thought she knew and what she proclaims as the truth is challenged by the ghosts who have a completely different story to tell. Marianne Thamm, award-winning investigative journalist, debuts her first play. Her curiosity about who and what Langenhoven was and what he means today, led her to the women in his life. With humour and pathos, Thamm offers a new look at a history that everyone thinks they know.

04 May 2025 17:30


A co-production of KKNK & Suidoosterfees; supported by NATi

Dusk descends on Arbeidsgenot in Oudtshoorn. Angelique Jacobs, a security guard at the Langenhoven Museum, prepares to lock up … And then the past begins to haunt her. What Angelique thought she knew and what she proclaims as the truth is challenged by the ghosts who have a completely different story to tell. Marianne Thamm, award-winning investigative journalist, debuts her first play. Her curiosity about who and what Langenhoven was and what he means today, led her to the women in his life. With humour and pathos, Thamm offers a new look at a history that everyone thinks they know.

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