Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026
Ondersteun deur die Johann Brink Trust
Dean en Frieda se komvandaanplekke is so ’n halfuur van mekaar. Hulle is nie van hier nie en tog heeltemal hier. Hulle deel ’n hunkering huis toe en weet ook huis is eintlik nie die plek waar jy vandaan kom nie, maar waar al jou pogings om te ontsnap tot ’n einde kom. Om te verlang en tuis te kom is die padkaarte en rigtingwysers van die siel. Huis is Namakwaland. Huis is Kaap. Huis is stories, gedigte, songs. Tog is huis ook meestal so ’n halfuur weg.
Duration 50min
No Interval
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.
Supported by the Johann Brink Trust
Dean and Frieda’s hometowns are about half an hour apart. They’re not from here and yet, they’re entirely here. They share a yearning for home and understand that home isn’t necessarily the place you come from, but rather the place where all your attempts to escape come to an end. Longing and finding your way home are the maps and signposts of the soul. Home is Namaqualand. Home is the Cape. Home is stories, poems, songs. Yet home is also, quite often, just half an hour away.
Supported by the Johann Brink Trust
Dean and Frieda’s hometowns are about half an hour apart. They’re not from here and yet, they’re entirely here. They share a yearning for home and understand that home isn’t necessarily the place you come from, but rather the place where all your attempts to escape come to an end. Longing and finding your way home are the maps and signposts of the soul. Home is Namaqualand. Home is the Cape. Home is stories, poems, songs. Yet home is also, quite often, just half an hour away.