Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026
Haai oe, julle stoute kabouters. Wat gebeur as Liewe Heksie deelneem aan Blommeland se eie Strictly Come Dancing? Weet sy dan ooit wat ’n wals is? En wat gebeur as Levinia die belangrike taak kry om die Silwerroos op te pas? Die Geelheks wil so graag haar kloutjies daarop kry, sodat al die blomme in Blommeland kan doodgaan. Maar Liewe Heksie sê sy beskerm die Silwerpapawer met haar lewe. Die span agter hierdie produksie is al talle kere benoem vir beste kinderteater en het reeds twee Kannas by die KKNK gewen.
Duration: 60min
Age Restriction: Family
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.
What happens when Liewe Heksie takes part in Blommeland’s own Strictly Come Dancing? Does she even know what a waltz is? And what happens when Levinia gets the all-important task of looking after the Silver Rose? The Yellow Witch would very much like to get her hands on it, so that all the flowers in Blommeland can die. But Liewe Heksie will protect the Silver Rose with her life. The artists behind this production have been nominated for Best Children’s Theatre numerous times and have been awarded the KKNK Kanna award twice.