Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026
In 1952 aanskou Abraham in afgryse hoe sy huis afbrand. Hy slaag daarin om die sideboard wat hy ná die Tweede Wêreldoorlog vir sy vrou Stella gemaak het, uit die vuur te red. Dié kosbare meubelstuk neem sy plek in hul nuwe woning in as ’n soort huisaltaar. Dertien jaar later word hul bestaan weer bedreig, dié keer deur gedwonge uitsettings ingevolge die Groepsgebiedewet. Abraham en Stella klop aan elke deur in hul stryd om hulle lappie grond en huis te behou. ’n Aangrypende verhaal oor verlies in die aangesig van ’n onmenslike stelsel.
Geen o/13 G
Duration 75min
No Interval
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.
In 1952, Abraham watches in horror as his house burns to the ground. He manages to salvage the sideboard which he made for his wife Stella after the Second World War. This precious piece of furniture finds a central place in their new home – a memory altar. Thirteen years later their existence is again threatened when the forced removals of the Group Areas Act are brutally implemented. In their battle to keep their house and their land, Abraham and Stella knock on every door. A moving story about loss in the face of a cruel system.
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In 1952, Abraham watches in horror as his house burns to the ground. He manages to salvage the sideboard which he made for his wife Stella after the Second World War. This precious piece of furniture finds a central place in their new home – a memory altar. Thirteen years later their existence is again threatened when the forced removals of the Group Areas Act are brutally implemented. In their battle to keep their house and their land, Abraham and Stella knock on every door. A moving story about loss in the face of a cruel system.
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