Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026

The Good White

The Good White

The Good White

from 01 May 2025 16:30


Presented by The Market Theatre in partnership with Suidoosterfees; supported by NATi

The non-racial project is put under the spotlight as four characters – Prof. Simon Whitehead, his ‘coloured’ lover Dr. Angela Witten, their Zimbabwean colleague Prof. Emmanuel Kabwato, and student leader Noluthando Kakaza – clash in this explosive new play by Mike van Graan. Directed by Greg Homann, the Market Theatre’s artistic director, this edgy drama is set in 2016. Zuma is in power, corruption is rife, and the born-free students are on the march. This bold premiere production is both a searing critique and a call for reflection.

No u/13 L
Duration 80 min
No Interval

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

More Info


KykNet Theatre, Cape Town  Location on Google Maps


The Good White

01 May 2025 16:30

R100 - R150

Aangebied deur The Market Theatre in vennootskap met Suidoosterfees; ondersteun deur NATi

Suid-Afrika se nierassige projek kom onder die vergrootglas wanneer vier karakters – prof. Simon Whitehead, sy ‘coloured’ minnares dr. Angela Witten, hul Zimbabwiese kollega prof. Emmanuel Kabwato, en die studenteleier Noluthando Kakaza – met mekaar bots in Mike van Graan se kragtige nuwe drama. Greg Homann, die Markteater se artistieke direkteur, is in die regisseurstoel van dié stuk wat in 2016 afspeel. Zuma is aan bewind, korrupsie vier hoogty en die born frees hou studenteoptogte. Hierdie première lewer striemende kommentaar en stem tot nadenke.

Geen o/13 T

02 May 2025 17:00

R100 - R150

Aangebied deur The Market Theatre in vennootskap met Suidoosterfees; ondersteun deur NATi

Suid-Afrika se nierassige projek kom onder die vergrootglas wanneer vier karakters – prof. Simon Whitehead, sy ‘coloured’ minnares dr. Angela Witten, hul Zimbabwiese kollega prof. Emmanuel Kabwato, en die studenteleier Noluthando Kakaza – met mekaar bots in Mike van Graan se kragtige nuwe drama. Greg Homann, die Markteater se artistieke direkteur, is in die regisseurstoel van dié stuk wat in 2016 afspeel. Zuma is aan bewind, korrupsie vier hoogty en die born frees hou studenteoptogte. Hierdie première lewer striemende kommentaar en stem tot nadenke.

Geen o/13 T

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