Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026

Beste van DKES-dramafees

Beste van DKES-dramafees

Beste van DKES-dramafees

01 May 2025 14:30


The winner and the runner-up productions of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport’s annual Drama Festival competition in the Western Cape are staged at Suidoosterfees:

Pas (by Plettenbergbaai Sekondêre Skool): During apartheid Johanna is accused of stealing money from her employer. She flees the country and seeks refuge with Beverly. A story of love in a time of hatred.

Klip in my pad (by Take a Bow): In their battle against corruption and crime, Byron and his friends run into an old, dilapidated house. A sinister surprise awaits our “heroes”.
Duration 60min
No Interval

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

More Info


Phoebe Gerwel Arena, Cape Town  Location on Google Maps


Beste van DKES-dramafees

01 May 2025 14:30


Die wenner en naaswenner van die Departement van Kultuursake en Sport se Dramafeeskompetisie word by Suidoosterfees opgevoer:

Pas (deur Plettenbergbaai Sekondêre Skool): Tydens apartheid word Johanna daarvan beskuldig dat sy geld van haar werkgewer gesteel het. Sy vlug landuit en klop by Beverly aan om hulp. ’n Storie van liefde in ’n tyd van haat.

Klip in my pad (deur Take a Bow): In hul stryd teen korrupsie en misdaad hardloop Byron en sy vriende by ’n ou, vervalle huis in. Hier wag ’n donker verrassing op ons “helde”.

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