Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026




In samewerking met Northlink Kollege

Queenie-hulle gee die gehoor ’n blik op vyf bergies se ervaring wanneer hulle op die vooraand van 2019 se nasionale verkiesing ’n kennisgewing kry dat hulle die Goeie Hoop-Sentrum se trappe, waar hulle tot dusver gebly het, moet ontruim. Die stuk verken identiteit sonder agting vir politieke korrektheid. Hierdie is ’n storie wat almal moet hoor, want almal het ’n behoefte aan erkenning, ongeag op watter manier.
Duration: 60min
No interval
No under 16

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

More Info


ATKV Rep Theatre   Location on Google Maps



02 May 2025 14:30


In collaboration with Northlink College

Queenie-hulle gives the audience a view on five bergies’ experience when they receive an official notice on the night before the 2019 elections that they must vacate the Good Hope Centre’s steps, where they have been squatting for years. This story explores identity without any political correctness. It is a story that everybody should hear, because we all have a need to be heard, no matter how.

04 May 2025 12:00


In collaboration with Northlink College

Queenie-hulle gives the audience a view on five bergies’ experience when they receive an official notice on the night before the 2019 elections that they must vacate the Good Hope Centre’s steps, where they have been squatting for years. This story explores identity without any political correctness. It is a story that everybody should hear, because we all have a need to be heard, no matter how.

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