Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026
In collaboration with Tafelberg
In Truth about Cape Slavery, Patric Tariq Mellet shows that modern South Africa – its economy and politics – is shaped by slavery in the same way that it has shaped the United States of America, and that it deserves the same scrutiny. Cape slavery was a crucial feature of maritime capitalism and became the cornerstone of the Cape’s agricultural economy. This book challenges the Netherlands to improve on the weak apology offered in 2023 by its king and the lack of reparations offered by its government. An incisive, timely look into the legacies of slavery today.
Duration 60min
No Interval
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.
In samewerking met Tafelberg
In Truth about Cape Slavery wys Patric Tariq Mellet uit hoe vandag se Suid-Afrika – die ekonomie en politiek – deur slawerny gevorm en beïnvloed is. Net soos wat die Amerikaanse samelewing sy beslag deur slawerny gekry het, en op soortgelyke wyse as hier onder die vergrootglas geplaas behoort te word. Slawerny aan die Kaap was van kritieke belang vir seevaart-kapitalisme en het die fondament vir die Kaap se landbougebaseerde ekonomie gelê. Mellet se boek daag Nederland uit om te verbeter op die flou verskoning wat hulle koning in 2023 aangebied het, en hul regering se stilswye oor kompensasie.