Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026
In samewerking met die Andrew Murray-Desmond Tutu-Prysfonds
Op sosiale media, in kommentare van aanlyn koerante, orals is daar predikers. Die een preek harder as die ander een, en elkeen het die enigste waarheid beet. Hoe vind ’n mens jou balans, en hoe neem jy deel aan Babels-verwarrende gesprekke oor geloof? Bettina Wyngaard, voorsitter van die Andrew Murray-Desmond Tutu-Prysfonds, gesels met bekroondes soos Siya Khumalo (skrywer van The Queer Book of Revelation en You Have to be Gay to Know God) oor watter rol geloof en spiritualiteit en skryfwerk daaroor in die openbare ruimte speel, en hoe dit ’n opbouende en sinvolle bydrae kan lewer.
Duration 60min
No Interval
Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.
In collaboration with the Andrew Murray-Desmond Tutu Prize Fund
People preach everywhere – from social media to the comments of online newspapers. Each voice is louder than the next, and each person believes they proclaim the only truth. How do you find balance and how do you take part in perplexing conversations about religion? Bettina Wyngaard, chairperson of the Andrew Murray-Desmond Tutu Prize Fund, talks to prize-winners like Siya Khumalo (author of The Queer Book of Revelation and You Have to be Gay to Know God) about the role of religion and spirituality (and texts about these matters) in the public space and how it can make a constructive and meaningful contribution.