Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026

Viva Italia! An Operatic Songbook

Viva Italia! An Operatic Songbook

Viva Italia! An Operatic Songbook

from 01 May 2025 12:00


An Opera UCT production

Enjoy four of the finest voices from Opera UCT in an all-Italian programme of popular songs and arias by Mozart, Bellini, Puccini, Bocelli and more! Well-loved arias and ensembles include “Casta Diva”, “Una Furtiva Lagrima”, “Con te partirò”. Opera coach and music director Lisa Engelbrecht accompanies her students, and provides a brief narrative for each of the works.
Duration 30min
No Interval

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

More Info


Johann Brink Theatre  Location on Google Maps


Viva Italia! An Operatic Songbook

01 May 2025 12:00


’n Opera UCT-produksie

Kom word meegevoer deur vier van Opera UCT se mooiste stemme in ’n Italiaanse program van gewilde liedere en opera deur komponiste soos Mozart, Bellini, Puccini, Bocelli en meer! Geliefde arias en ensembles sluit “Casta Diva”, “Una Furtiva Lagrima” en “Con te partirò” in. Die sangafrigter en musiekregisseur Lisa Engelbrecht begelei haar studente en lewer kort vertellings van agter die klawers om die stukke te belig.

03 May 2025 12:45


’n Opera UCT-produksie

Kom word meegevoer deur vier van Opera UCT se mooiste stemme in ’n Italiaanse program van gewilde liedere en opera deur komponiste soos Mozart, Bellini, Puccini, Bocelli en meer! Geliefde arias en ensembles sluit “Casta Diva”, “Una Furtiva Lagrima” en “Con te partirò” in. Die sangafrigter en musiekregisseur Lisa Engelbrecht begelei haar studente en lewer kort vertellings van agter die klawers om die stukke te belig.

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