Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026

Ode to Earth Worms

Ode to Earth Worms


Deur die uitbeelding van ’n walviskarkas wat na die seebodem sak, verken hierdie kragtige dansstuk die temas van dood en vernuwing. Dit dien as metafoor vir alle lewensiklusse – kortstondig en verganklik soos wat die mensdom is. ’n Apokaliptiese liefdesbrief met ’n aangrypende blik op die magiese skouspel van die verloop van alle aardse dinge.
Duration 30min
No Interval

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

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Johann Brink Theatre  Location on Google Maps


Ode to Earth Worms

02 May 2025 15:45


Through the depiction of a whale carcass sinking to the bottom of the ocean, this powerful dance piece explores themes of death and renewal. The sinking whale serves as metaphor for all life cycles – brief and ephemeral as they are. An apocalyptic love letter that provides a captivating perspective on the magical spectacle of the passage of all earthly things.

04 May 2025 12:45


Through the depiction of a whale carcass sinking to the bottom of the ocean, this powerful dance piece explores themes of death and renewal. The sinking whale serves as metaphor for all life cycles – brief and ephemeral as they are. An apocalyptic love letter that provides a captivating perspective on the magical spectacle of the passage of all earthly things.

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