Important Update: James Bay South African Tour Postponed to 2026

Persvryheid – ons sal nie stilbly nie

Persvryheid – ons sal nie stilbly nie

Persvryheid – ons sal nie stilbly nie

01 May 2025 11:00


In samewerking met Tafelberg, Penguin Random House SA, Maverick 451 & Netwerk24

Joernaliste wat hulle loon werd is moet onder stresvolle en dikwels gevaarlike omstandighede die waarheid oopvlek en die publiek van erge ongerymdhede inlig. In hierdie gesprek – so op Werkersdag – word die joernalis se werk onder die loep geneem. Ervare en dapper joernaliste Karyn Maughan (skrywer van I Will Not Be Silenced), Caryn Dolley (skrywer van onder meer Man Alone), Jana van der Merwe, ondersoekende Netwerk24-redakteur, en Pieter-Louis Myburgh, ondersoekende joernalis en skrywer van Gangster State en The Republic of Gupta, kom gesels oor die uitdagings van hul beroep.
Duration 60min
No Interval

Kindly note Artscape provides wheelchair seating. You can book directly via this website but should you require assistance please call Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 76 95 who will assist with navigation and booking.

More Info


ATKV-Boeke-oase, D.F. Malan St, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001   Location on Google Maps


Persvryheid – ons sal nie stilbly nie

01 May 2025 11:00


In collaboration with Tafelberg, Penguin Random House SA, Maverick 451 & Netwerk24

Journalists who are worth their salt must often expose the truth and inform the public of wrongdoing under stressful and dangerous circumstances. In this conversation – on Workers’ Day – the journalist’s work is put under the microscope. The experienced and brave journalists Karyn Maughan (author of I Will Not Be Silenced), Caryn Dolley (author of, among others, Man Alone), Jana van der Merwe, investigative editor at Netwerk24, and Pieter-Louis Myburgh, investigative journalist and author of Gangster State and The Republic of Gupta, will discuss the challenges of their jobs.

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